Vegetarian or vegan?

The fundamental difference between a „vegetarian” and a „vegan” diet lies in which animal-derived products are consumed or avoided.

Vegetarian: Vegetarians do not consume meat, fish, or poultry. However, the vegetarian diet may include animal-derived products such as dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt), eggs, and honey. So, vegetarians typically consume foods that come from animals, but not the animals themselves. However, this term has become a broad category with several variations: 

  • a.) Ovo-lacto (lacto-ovo) vegetarians consume dairy products and eggs but do not eat meat or fish. 
  • b.) Lacto-vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or eggs, but they do consume dairy products. 
  • c.) Ovo-vegetarians avoid meat, fish, and dairy products but do eat eggs.

Vegan: Vegans do not consume any animal-derived products. This means that a vegan diet excludes all meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, and honey. The vegan lifestyle often extends to other areas, such as clothing and cosmetics, where they also avoid animal-derived ingredients or products tested on animals.

In summary: While vegetarians consume certain animal-derived products, vegans completely avoid them, including all animal-derived foods and often other animal-derived products as well.

FreeScuits and Katie&Baker vegan biscuits can be enjoyed by both vegetarians and vegans, as these products fully meet the requirements of both diets.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is referred to in medical terminology as coeliac disease, and it is an autoimmune disorder. In response to gluten found in food, the body produces antibodies that attack and damage the villi in the intestines. There is no medication available for treating celiac disease; the only therapy is a lifelong gluten-free diet. Even a small amount of gluten can maintain the symptoms, so the special diet must contain less than 10 mg per day, compared to an average normal diet containing over 10,000 mg of gluten. Consumption of products made from gluten-containing grains is strictly prohibited, as they cause gastrointestinal problems and severe nutrient absorption disorders. This is why people with celiac disease must pay close attention to what they eat. Before purchasing food, they need to check for allergenic substances it contains. It is easier for consumers if they see the gluten-free label on the packaging.

Freescuits products are gluten-free, and this is regularly and officially audited by the National Food Laboratory.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is the protein found in cereal grains, consisting of two proteins (gliadin and glutenin). If someone is diagnosed with celiac disease, they must avoid consuming wheat, rye, barley, and grains produced by processing or crossbreeding these, as well as products made from these grains. If products made from oats are contaminated with gluten-containing grains, they are also prohibited, even though oats themselves are gluten-free.

When is a Product Gluten-Free?

A product is considered gluten-free if it is made from gluten-free ingredients, and contamination during production is also excluded. Accredited laboratory test results serve as credible evidence to verify gluten-free status. Both the laboratory and the measurement method must be accredited. If the gluten-free status is confirmed by measurement, and the product is registered as a special dietary food with the National Institute of Food and Nutrition Science, it can bear the „gluten-free” label. The most well-known symbol is a crossed-out wheat ear. This marking indicates that the gluten content does not exceed the 20 mg/kg limit. Today, there are several laboratories in Hungary that measure gluten content in compliance with these requirements, allowing these products to carry the relevant markings on their packaging.

How can I be sure that this product is gluten-free?

There are several types of gluten-free symbols used on gluten-free products. Some manufacturers design their own logos for gluten-free products with the help of a graphic designer. However, the most reliable and continuously monitored products bear the logo of the Association of European Coeliac Societies (AOECS), which can only be used with the association’s permission.

Another organization that guarantees quality is the IFS Food Standard, which certifies the FreeScuits factory in Lepsény. What does this mean? 

The IFS Food Standard reviews products and production processes to evaluate a food producer’s ability to produce safe, authentic, and quality products according to legal requirements and customer specifications. It supports businesses in meeting the market’s demands for transparency and traceability and contributes to improving product integrity and increasing efficiency. Audits are carried out by qualified IFS auditors working for independent accredited certification bodies. IFS Standards are subject to assessments by governmental or private organizations.

The use of the crossed grain symbol is subject to permission and cannot be used by just anyone.

  • It can only be applied to processed products, not to naturally gluten-free unprocessed ingredients (e.g., fresh fruits, etc.).
  • The products must be regularly tested in independent accredited laboratories to verify gluten-free status.
  • The facilities are inspected annually according to the appropriate audited guidelines.

How Do I Know If I Am Gluten-Intolerant? What Are the Symptoms?

Diagnosing celiac disease is a multi-step process, and although the methods are easily accessible, many people likely suffer from celiac disease without knowing it. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, testing is recommended for:

  • Patients with a family history of confirmed celiac disease;
  • Patients with a first-degree relative with celiac disease;
  • Those who present with symptoms indicative of malabsorption (e.g., chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatty stools, postprandial abdominal pain, and bloating);
  • Patients whose symptoms might be managed with a gluten-free diet;
  • Those with elevated transglutaminase levels suggestive of celiac disease;
  • Patients with type 1 diabetes;
  • And those with digestive issues or findings suggestive of celiac disease.

The first step is to consult a gastroenterologist. The diagnosis of celiac disease is based on the results of several tests combined. The recommended tests begin with laboratory testing. Blood tests are conducted using the ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method to detect abnormal antibodies characteristic of celiac disease, such as tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG), anti-endomysium antibodies (EMA), or antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP). Celiac disease is characterized by these specific antibodies. Another pillar of diagnosis is histological examination following an endoscopic biopsy. This method can detect celiac disease even if the lab tests show negative results. Genetic testing may also be recommended to detect celiac disease. Celiac disease often runs in families, with 10% of relatives of celiac patients being diagnosed with the disease. Genetic (Human Leukocyte Antigen, HLA) testing may be needed when:

  • A negative result is needed to exclude the diagnosis of celiac disease;
  • The diagnosis of celiac disease is uncertain: due to negative disease markers (the HLA test results can be helpful even if negative. A positive genetic result is more likely if the blood test is positive, despite a negative histological result);
  • It is necessary to exclude future monitoring for siblings or relatives;
  • Other autoimmune or genetic diseases have been previously diagnosed, and a negative result can exclude the possibility of associated celiac disease (e.g., autoimmune thyroid disease, Down syndrome).

It is harder to detect and confirm celiac disease in patients who follow a gluten-free diet. Due to the diet, the intestinal mucosa regenerates, and the levels of diagnostic antibodies detectable through blood tests decrease. Therefore, if celiac disease is suspected, a gluten-free diet should only be started after proper testing. Gluten should be reintroduced into the diet before the examination. It should be consumed at a daily amount of 10 grams for 6-8 weeks, but if the patient reacts poorly, 3 grams may be sufficient for two weeks. Self-diagnosis is dangerous because the symptoms are not unique to celiac disease, leading to the possibility that another illness could remain undiagnosed and untreated.

Can a Baby Be Gluten-Intolerant? What About Gluten Introduction?

It is still unknown why the disease develops in some people, but heredity can be proven. Genetic factors clearly play a role in the development of celiac disease, but other environmental factors also contribute. While introducing gluten after 12 months of age shows a lower short-term risk for developing gluten intolerance, it does not reduce the long-term risk of developing the disease later. The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) has issued revised guidelines on gluten introduction. These guidelines recommend introducing gluten to infants between 4 and 12 months of age. Studies have shown that late introduction of gluten (>6 months) increases the risk of developing celiac disease. Other risk factors include Campylobacter infection in adults and rotavirus in children, which may also predispose to celiac disease, but the rotavirus vaccine can be a protective factor.

What Is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is one of the earliest steps on the path to diabetes or is sometimes referred to as a precursor to diabetes. It is particularly common in individuals with a family history of type 2 diabetes among parents or grandparents. The familial predisposition is inherited, and children or grandchildren of diabetic parents have a higher chance of also struggling with a carbohydrate metabolism disorder. While genetic predisposition does not guarantee the development of IR, factors like stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and irregular eating habits significantly contribute to the onset of insulin resistance. Obesity, one of the most significant health challenges of our time, is a major risk factor for IR.

How Do I Know If I Have Insulin Resistance?

The most common method for investigating insulin resistance is the 3-point oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). In this test, insulin levels are measured along with blood sugar levels. The patient arrives fasting, drinks a sugary solution provided during the test, and then undergoes fasting, 60-minute, and 120-minute blood draws (sometimes also at 240 minutes). This test determines if you have diabetes or insulin resistance.

What Are the Symptoms of Insulin Resistance? How Can They Be Managed?

Symptoms of insulin resistance can vary widely, and if any of the following symptoms appear, it may be worth considering:

  • Nervousness, fatigue, or difficulty concentrating after consuming sugary or large meals;
  • Frequent nighttime awakenings, poor sleep;
  • Significant sweating during sleep;
  • Irritability, sweating, shaking, or tense mood if breakfast or meals are skipped;
  • Irregular menstruation or missed periods;
  • Difficulty conceiving or infertility;
  • Failed weight loss attempts;
  • Weight gain despite an unchanged lifestyle;
  • Frequent sugar cravings;
  • Blood sugar drops during physical activity;
  • Cysts in the ovaries (PCO).

These symptoms usually do not all occur together, and the problem may be completely asymptomatic, only being detected through a lab test or during an infertility evaluation. In many cases, the diagnosis of insulin resistance is made during the investigation or treatment of other conditions. It is most commonly associated with thyroid problems but can also be linked to hormonal imbalances. High prolactin levels, estrogen dominance, or elevated testosterone levels in women may be associated with the development of IR.

Insulin Resistance Treatment:

As a carbohydrate metabolism disorder, the primary step in treating IR is to establish a personalized lifestyle therapy that includes a diet with specific carbohydrate content and regular physical activity, including both cardio and strength training. If this is not sufficient, medication may be required to complement the therapy, adapted to diet and exercise. It is important to note that medication and lifestyle therapy do not replace each other but work together to help normalize insulin levels. Certain vitamins (e.g., vitamin D), minerals (e.g., chromium, selenium), and other substances (e.g., cinnamon, inositol) are also commonly used to normalize blood sugar and insulin levels; however, it is advisable to consult a doctor or dietitian before taking them.

The IR diet is based on avoiding added sugar and minimizing the consumption of white flour products. It is recommended to incorporate 4-6 meals per day, depending on lifestyle, each containing a specific amount and quality of carbohydrates. The diet is slightly reduced in carbohydrate content and contains moderate fats in case of weight loss or obesity while providing a high-fiber diet. The commonly known 160-gram diet is a general guideline but may not be sufficient for everyone with IR, so the necessary carbohydrate intake must be determined individually in each IR case.

What Is Multiple Food Sensitivity?

Multiple food sensitivity refers to individuals who are affected by more than one food allergy or intolerance, requiring them to avoid multiple allergens in their diet. Cross-reactivity among certain foods can also lead to multiple food sensitivities among individuals who already have food sensitivities

What Does the Word ``Diet`` Mean?

It is important to know that the word „diet” does not mean weight loss but rather a change in lifestyle. People generally associate diets with eating less and differently to lose weight. This is why many people believe that they can lose weight by following a gluten-free diet. However, gluten-free products (e.g., white rice, corn) often contain more calories and less fiber than those containing gluten (e.g., wheat, barley, rye).

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